Basic Drill Instructor (BDI) Course

3rd National Basic Drill Instructor (BDI) Course - 03/18

The Regimentation and Drills Sub-Committee, a unit of the National Training Committee is pleased to inform you that we will be organising the 3rd National Basic Drill Instructor Course for all members who will be in Secondary 3 in 2018.

We are also extending an invitation to members who have or will graduate from Secondary School or commissioned Officers who are interested in the course to be appointed Basic Drill Instructor. A pass in this course would be required if the individual wish to continue with the Advanced Drill Instructor Course in June 2018.

We would like to remind you that this is not a course to train members on Drills but to train the member to be a Drill Instructor. Hence we expect that candidates for this course to have a sound knowledge of Drills which we will assess on Course Day 1. We urge all Corps Officers and Teachers to be selective in their choices for this course.

The application for the course is now open and will be closed on 1 December 2017. The Course Joining Instruction and 4 Annexes are attached for your attention.

03/18 Course Joining Instructions (CJI)

0318 BDI CJI.pdf

Annex A:

Application Form

Annex A of 0318 BDI CJI.pdf

Annex B:

Parental Consent, Emergency Contact and Medical Declaration

Annex B of 0318 BDI CJI.pdf

Annex C:

Course Syllabus and Assessment

Annex C of 0318 BDI CJI.pdf

Annex D:

Corps with >70 cadets

These Corps with a larger membership base may submit up to 5 applications.

Annex D of 0318 BDI CJI.pdf